About Ozone

Ozone is a naturally occurring gas

Ozone is a naturally occurring gas

Ozone is a naturally occurring gas most often associated with the ozone layer of the atmosphere, where it helps to absorb the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. When applied in dentistry,...

Ozone is a naturally occurring gas

Ozone is a naturally occurring gas most often associated with the ozone layer of the atmosphere, where it helps to absorb the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. When applied in dentistry,...

How Do Ozone Machines Work?

How Do Ozone Machines Work?

Ozone generators pull regular oxygen (O2) through the chamber and across a high-voltage corona discharge plate system to convert it into ozone (O3) gas. Ozone gas is emitted from the...

How Do Ozone Machines Work?

Ozone generators pull regular oxygen (O2) through the chamber and across a high-voltage corona discharge plate system to convert it into ozone (O3) gas. Ozone gas is emitted from the...

What are the Benefits of Using Ozone?

What are the Benefits of Using Ozone?

Ozone is very effective in eliminating odors including tobacco smoke, human and pet odors, food odors, mold and mildew odors, garbage odors, renovation odors and much more. It is not...

What are the Benefits of Using Ozone?

Ozone is very effective in eliminating odors including tobacco smoke, human and pet odors, food odors, mold and mildew odors, garbage odors, renovation odors and much more. It is not...

How Does Ozone Work To Eliminate Odors?

How Does Ozone Work To Eliminate Odors?

As ozone is created it floats freely in the air and water. By nature it is an unstable molecule and has a half-life of approximately 20 minutes. Shortly after ozone...

How Does Ozone Work To Eliminate Odors?

As ozone is created it floats freely in the air and water. By nature it is an unstable molecule and has a half-life of approximately 20 minutes. Shortly after ozone...

What is Ozone?

What is Ozone?

Ozone is often referred to as nature's own purifier. It is evident at the seashore, in rain forests and after thunderstorms. We are all thoroughly aware of the protection the...

What is Ozone?

Ozone is often referred to as nature's own purifier. It is evident at the seashore, in rain forests and after thunderstorms. We are all thoroughly aware of the protection the...